5 Reasons Why You Should Never Fear Being Wrong
Our love of being right is best understood as our fear of being wrong. ― Kathryn Schulz. We live in a screwed up generation. Politicians are lying to us, half the world has plastic surgery, and everyone else is just caught up in trying to live the flashy life somebody else is leading. Yet, we think we’re […]
Tired of Suffering? Practice Self-Compassion with 4 Easy Steps
You might have had this happen to you. Perhaps your relationship just ended, or you’ve lost your job, or you failed to pass an exam, and now you’re simply exhausted from everyday life. And just when you needed your ‘self’ to be at its best, you got tripped by stress, unhappiness, distraction and dissatisfaction. Let’s […]
10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Vipassana Meditation
What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of meditation? Maybe listening to chimes, concentrating on your third eye, chanting in a lotus position, or some other clichés related to different practices. The truth is – meditation can take a lot of different forms. However, among the various types of meditation in the […]
Have You Ever Been in Love?
“Uh … So, you’ve never been in love huh?” – Somebody just asked me after reading one of my blog posts. I said no – I thought I was right. I was not… Maybe. Haha. I had to ask myself – have I really been in love? You have, Soham. You definitely have. Someone just replied. […]
The Person That Changed My Life
We’ve all been there. You finally feel like you really want to do it. And wham! Something else comes up. It’s hard to decide whether or not you really want to stick to your guns. Things don’t turn out the way you want. You start playing games inside that little head of yours. You’re afraid that someone might point […]
What Does It Take to Know What You Really Want to Know?
That little voice inside your head. Have you ever noticed it? I’m sure you have. So are you in control of it, or is it in control of you? Ask yourself – not the voice – if you really want to know what I’m talking about. Let’s do one thing. Think of a dream. Could be anything. Just think about […]
So What’s this ‘Consciousness Thing’ Everyone’s Taking About?
‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known.’ What does it mean? Has it got anything to do with consciousness? I wonder if you’ve ever heard of Carl Sagan. The guy was the world’s first mainstream media super scientist capable of breaking down complex ideas for common folks like you and me. Well, he once said, ‘if you want […]
A New Beginning
This is crazy. I’m writing again. Sure I’m not getting paid for this – at least not for the time being. But damn I love it, like I always did. After almost two and a half years of full-time job in an IT Company, here I am back to being who I am. I had a cool job – quite […]